I have let the house go. I will need to fix that. I'm thinking of finding some kind of "Spring Cleaning" app to work off.
I have let myself go. I need to work on my eating. Frozen waffles with syrup every morning isn't the best way to start a diabetic's morning. I need to start testing my blood every morning and keeping track of my numbers. Another app, I'm guessing.
I need to start exercising. I was up to three miles walking per day before I got sick. i want to work up to five. I have a fitness band to keep track. I have membership in a gym. Hopefully, once I can walk five miles I'll reactivate the membership and start working on my upper body strength.
I need to plan for the holidays. I'd like to cook Thanksgiving at Dad's. I can't wait for Halloween and I need to start planning for Christmas.
I can't believe how much I've let go. Between the migraines and the depression, it was all I could do to survive from day to day.
I have high hopes for you, Franki! <3