Wednesday, September 28, 2016

A warning about future political posts And Stiffness in my neck, but no migraines!

Deciding to write a new post is truly overwhelming. There is all that blank space to fill. Still, onwards!

Today is September 28, 2016. A lot is going on here in the States as we move toward the election, but, as arrogant as that sounds, I will leave that and talk about me. That is what the blog was intended for after all. I will warn you that I am very political and there will likely be a political post at least once a week, likely more often. I will put a warning at the top that the post will be political. (note to self: go back and put a warning on the first one.)

I will discuss politics on here because I believe the future of the country as well as our allies is worth discussing. However, other than this one, I will keep the two completely separate. If you decide to follow along on my journey back to health, you won't miss any of that journey by skipping the political posts. You will, however, lose the chance to know me better since politics is very much a part of who I am.

Now back to my health. First the goodness and it is very good news. I have not had a migraine since the ablation on Friday morning. I went into the ablation with a migraine, a 7+ on the pain scale and my vision was badly impaired. When I came out, the migraine  pain was gone and the only vision problem I had was a bit of blurriness from the anesthetic. None of the migraine symptoms have returned.

The less thrilling news is that my neck is still extremely painful. I have to consciously hold it it up and it hurts a great deal when I do that. Last night, I found I couldn't raise my head off of my chest at all. I called the doctor's answering service and he called me back. He had me relax all my muscles and raise my head with my hand. I was able to do that, so he said it was most likely muscle spasm, he called in a muscle relaxant. I took that and went to bed.

The doctor was in the car when he called me back. As we were talking I heard this little voice, "I thought we were going to the park, Daddy!" I hope I was the only interruption to the little guy's play date with Daddy.

I admit, I was hoping to be farther along by now and not in so much pain. Still, I'll trade neck pain and stiffness for constant migraines in a minute.

Toby Helping Me Blog

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