Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Cactus, Succulent and Bronchitis

It's been almost two weeks since my last post. I'm sorry, really. We moved my laptop to my desk and hooked it into the keyboard and monitor. That would be a great thing if I could see the screen clearly or the external keyboard was big enough to touch type. As it is, I'm playing hunt & peck.

Anyway, my husband and I took a class on Saturday where we made little  plant pots out of cacti and succulents. She also had other decorations we could fit into our little planters. We had a really good time. This is my planter, notice the Easter Island guy.

 The square one is my husband's He had a really good time picking out the different plants he wanted to use.
 We were planning to keep one and give the other as a gift. Neither one of us is willing to give theirs up. So it looks like they're here to stay. Now, if we could just convince the cats not to pull the plants out of their pots.

The website with suggestions of things to do and classes to take for however many miles around your home is called, Verlocal, they offer some amazing stuff. The class we took was at Urban Sprouts, Urban Sprouts are in Renton on S Third Street. No kickback on either, just  a recommendation because we were really happy with the experience.

I finally started physical therapy last week. It's hard, but I am working at it. I couldn't understand why I was feeling so burned out the last few days. I knew I had a bad cough but thought it was just left over from a cold, Well, no, I've been spiking fevers over 101F and the doctor says I have Bronchitis. Apparently being sick for a year leaves your immune system compromised. Who knew? J/K

As you can see from the photo up above, Mickey is bored and doesn't understand why Mom won't take her Bronchitis out in the rain.

Bronchitis is a minor setback. I figure a few days for the steroids to kick in and I'll be ready to get going on my recovery again. Never going back!

Friday, November 4, 2016

Physical Therapy, No Car and Bipolar Disorder

I finally started Physical Therapy (PT) this morning. She compared my abilities to the last time I was in there and, boy have I lost mobility. Right now, my goal is just to have my head facing forward as my base position instead of hanging down with my head on my chest. Along with my exercises, i think I need to hook my laptop up to my monitor and keyboard so I'm not always looking down at my screen and keys. I can touch type pretty well, but not on a laptop computer, the keys are just not in the right place.

I had to borrow my son's car to get to PT and will have to schedule all of my appointments for mornings on days he has off. Otherwise, I have to drive him to work and pick him up, then he has to go back down to catch the light rail in to see his girlfriend. I know he'll do it, but he's had to cut so far back on the time he gets to see his girl because of his job, I hate to cut into it. When I got back from PT, the tow truck guy was here and I realized I hadn't taken my license plate frame off my car. I asked him if I could still get it. He said, "Sure," jumped up on the truck bed and proceeded to take both license plates off and hand them to me. I'm not sure what I'm going to do wth the plates, but I have my frame. I stole the quote off of someone's email file nearly 20 years ago and I still love it.
We have enough youth
We need a fountain of smart
I am really struggling with my BiPolar Disorder. I'm used to running around like a chicken with my head cut off getting stuff done for a few weeks, then dipping into a depression which makes it so I can barely function. Right now, I'm running one day and doing barely anything the next. I talked to my doctor about it and she raised the dosage on my mood stabilizer a few days ago. Hopefully, that will help. Needing sleeping aids to sleep and having to get up at 6am four days a week isn't helping.

I knew getting back to normal wasn't going to be easy, I try to keep these posts cheerful. So how about a couple cats to perk it up.

 The top one is Robin. She's part Main Coon cat and about the sweetest cat you'll ever meet. Oh, and she drools.

This is Lacey. She's Gray and has a very fluffy tail so I call her squirrel sometimes. If I'm upstairs with her and she doesn't see me go downstairs she'll cry out until I yell up the stairs that I'm downstairs. She's pretty, but not that bright.


Friday, October 28, 2016

Car Crash, Tiles, and a Teal Pumpkin

Yesterday I took Mickey to the vet because he still had lumps where the ticks got him a few weeks ago. The vet said they were fine, still healing, and nothing to worry about. On the way home I got into a traffic accident. Smashed in the right front area of my car pretty badly. The police came, took our information and let us go. My car was still driveable, so I headed home. Pretty achy, but nothing serious and just grateful my dog wasn't injured.

When I got home, I called my insurer and explained the situation. They set me up with a body shop and the shop called a few minutes later to make an appointment for this morning. My husband and I had dinner and then spent the evening prepping the wall behind the stove for tiles. The tiles are stick on, but they needed a smooth surface so we were sanding.

This morning, I had sometime before my estimate appointment, so I put the tiles up. they look good. The paint behind my stove had started to peel, so the tiles are a big improvement.

Once the tiles were up, I headed to the body shop. They said they'd email me the estimate. Off I went to pick up a few groceries. When I came out, I had an email from the body shop saying they mailed the estimate to the insurer and an email from the insurer saying they were totaling the car for much less than it will take to buy another car. I wasn't terribly surprised. It's a Lexus, but it's 17 years old.
So now we get to fit two cars into our budget. My husband needs some work done and it would cost far more than his car is worth, since his is only a year younger than mine.

Once I got home and put some stuff away, I received my teal spray paint. This is our first year of participating in the teal pumpkin project.  It's a way for kids with food allergies to safely participate in Halloween. Put a teal pumpkin out, preferably with this sign and then lay in a small supply of non-food treats. I went to Oriental Trading Co., but a trip to your local dollar store would work just as well. Stickers, fancy pencils, light up things. Fortunately, filling stuffed animals with ground nut shells seems to be a thing of the past, but I'd still check.

So I painted my pumpkin with a couple coats of teal spray paint and after it dried, I brought it in and painted the stem gold. It's going to take another coat of the gold before it's completely covered, but this is what it looks like now.

I think it's turning out pretty well. Now, just to print out the sign and laminate it, because this is the Pacific Northwest and it always rains on Halloween.

Busy and sad day, I'm going to miss my old car. Still everyone is safe and that's all that matters. I did a little home improvement and got a little closer to being ready for Halloween. Not a bad day's work.

Monday, October 24, 2016

So Glad to Have my Husband Back!

My Dear Husband returned last Thursday evening. It was so great to have him back, I missed him a lot. Sounds like they had a great time. First things first, they went to Geocoinfest 2016. It was in St. Louis, MO. Checked out all the different geocoins people have had made to hide in caches and track, give away to other people, trade or sale. Next year, Geocoinfest 2017, will be at the Queen Mary in Long Beach, CA.

Once the convention was over, the boys hit the road. They traveled to five states and did a bunch of geo-art. Sometimes, people hide a bunch of geocaches in a pattern, so that when the geocaches are brought up on a map, they'll be in the shape of something. I know they did a cardinal but, I'm not sure what else they did. By the time they came home a week later my husband had found almost 500 caches.

Once he was home, we had some tasks and engagements to deal with over the weekend. Poor guy, first day he's home and we've got stuff to do. We've gone a year just letting things go because I was sick and we need to get started. Friday, we quickly ran around the house making it relatively presentable and moving boxes out of the way because we had a man come in and put both of our pocket bathroom doors back on their rails. We have three bathrooms, but we'd gone for months with only one that had a door that closed. Awkward! We also had him install the new range hood we bought. The hood is awesome, if it gets hot under there while I'm cooking, it turns the fan on automatically.

Saturday, quick trip to the grocery store for the ingredients to my broccolini salad. (I got the recipe out of a book, but if anyone's interested, I'll send it to you. Properly cited, of course.) Home to make the salad, then off to the local geocaching group's Halloween party. I'm not sure where they got the white hearse or the coffin falling out of it pictured above, but it was cool. Once I got inside I was grateful my son wasn't with us. The decorations seemed to be all evil clowns. My kid hates clowns.

Sunday, we went North. Spent an hour or so visiting with my father-in-law at his house in Anacortes, then we all went to Mt. Vernon, WA for my Brother-in-Law's birthday. Last weekend day, last long day. Poor husband went back to work today with the beginnings of a cold he probably caught on the plane.

So, my week of solitude is over. We got some needed work accomplished and had some fun with friends and family. I hope your weekend went as well.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Dentist, Nails and Haircut. Oh, and my Husband's Coming Home Tonight!

I went to the dentist today for the first time since the migraines started. I was really nervous because there were times over the past year that I went for two or three days without brushing my teeth because my head just hurt too badly. I guess I was lucky though, although there was a bit more scraping and polishing than usual, no cavities! I'm really relieved and I went ahead and made my next appointment for six months from now so I won't let it slide.

Another thing I've put off for way longer than I should have is getting my hair cut. That appointment is tomorrow morning with the woman that's been cutting my hair for a number of years. Because my neck is still uncomfortable and weak, I'll be taking a shower and heading over with wet hair rather than leaning back in her washing bowl. I can hardly wait to not have to wear a head band to keep my bangs out of my eyes!

The woman who does my hair is the sister of the woman who does my nails, although I've been getting my nails done a lot longer. Nails were the one thing I managed to keep doing through the migraines, although I ended up canceling an awful lot of times. Now that I can drive myself over, it's a lot easier. This is what we did for Halloween this year:

It's not easy to tell in the picture, but the black is sparkly. The black cats are nail stickers.

I went to see the surgeon today who did my neck ablation. He said my progress was really good and when I asked him about my frozen shoulder, he added that to my physical therapy prescription. They sent a new copy, so I'm hoping to hear from the therapist in the next couple of days. I really want to get started. I'm walking as often as I can, but still only managing to add a house or two to the distance each time. I really want to get back to the three miles a day I was doing before I got sick.

Tonight's the night! My husband is coming back from St. Louis. He should be here in a few hours and I can hardly wait. So many things around the house I want him to do! Just kidding. I just want him home. It seems like forever that he's been gone. I hope everyone has a nice weekend, I don't know if I'll be on much.

Monday, October 17, 2016

A Week to Myself

I'm having a relaxing week. My son works all day and then goes directly to see his girlfriend, coming home long after I go to bed. My husband is in St. Louis for a geocaching event. He went with a group of friends that call themselves the Rat Pack and take a geocaching trip together at least once a year. Which leaves me pretty much entirely alone. Well, if you're ever alone in a house with three cats and a dog.

It's really another milestone. They wouldn't have been comfortable leaving me without "back up" before the surgery. I might have needed medication or I might have gotten a migraine aura on the stairs and fallen down them. I fell a lot while I was dealing with the migraines. Aside from the auras, my balance was just way off. I'm on blood thinners, because my blood has a nasty tendency to clot, so every time I fell, I had to go to the hospital to get a cat scan and make sure my brain wasn't bleeding. I'm pretty sure my brain is glowing by now.

Today I get to go out and see real people. I'm getting my nails done, one of my few indulgences. The woman who does my nails is the mother of a boy who my son met in the third grade. We've known each other a long time and it's fun to just sit and chat with her. I'm getting my nails painted for Halloween, with black, white and orange, then she's putting black cat stickers on the white ones.

I love Halloween. I always give out full size candy bars. They have them in mixed packages at Costco and they're not that expensive. It's fun to see the kids eyes light up when they see the big bars. I haven't decorated for Halloween the last couple of years, but I think I might this year.

Speaking of Halloween, tomorrow night I am taking my son and his girlfriend to see "Young Frankenstein" in the theater. It's there for one night only and it's going to be a blast. My son hasn't seen it, but his girlfriend has. Tuesday is also my son's "Friday", he works four tens Saturday-Tuesday. He'll be able to relax, knowing he doesn't have to get up the next day.

I am trying to keep up on the daily things I was doing, but with no one here, I've kind of slipped back. I haven't walked in the last couple days, I'll try to do it today. It's amazing how much motivation slips away when I don't see anyone. It's far too easy to spend hours on Facebook in my pajamas rather than completing the tasks I've set for myself each day. I've never been good at being a self-motivator and I really need to work on that. If I'm going to get healthy again, it has to be for me, not because someone is there watching.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Mt. Rainier and a weekend away

Last weekend my husband and I went on an overnight trip across the state. For him it was a chance to pick up some of the geocaches in a series he's trying to complete before the snow flies on Mt. Rainier. Local geocachers, including my husband, jointly with the National Park Service put out 100 caches all around Mt. Rainier to celebrate the NPS's 100th Anniversary. By the time our weekend was over, he was down to two. He gets a coin when he finishes.

For me, it was a bit more meaningful. First, it was the first time since my migraines stopped that I was able to get away. It was only for one night and I wasn't up to actually geocaching yet, but it was still a milestone. I didn't sit in the car half-stoned on Oxycodone and muscle relaxants just to keep from screaming. We downloaded a book to listen to, but after the first couple hours we turned it off, we were enjoying each other's company too much to have to remain silent while the book ran.

Second, the first stop on Mt. Rainier was the spot where we spread my parents' ashes. It was my Mother's birthday and I hadn't been back since I'd spread her ashes seven years ago. We'd spread my Father's ashes in the same spot six years before that.

My Dad had loved that mountain. We moved up here from San Diego when he was 46 and he just fell in love. I think everyone who lives here, loves Him, so beautiful and stately against the sky on a clear day. My Dad had this silly joke he used to tell, and he loved it when he found a new victim, "You know, if you can see the mountain, it's going to rain." "Really?" his new victim would ask, "Yeah," he'd answer nonchalantly, "If you can't see the mountain, it's raining."  Living in the Puget Sound area, the victim would always chuckle.

I walked out to where they were and spent some time with them. The picture above doesn't do it justice. When we spread their ashes we had permission to leave the path and when you get past the trees, the view is breathtaking. I couldn't leave the path on Saturday, so you'll only get a hint of the beauty through the trees and the fog.

Since we were up there, I thought I'd give you some idea of what's up there on the top of the world. I don't remember the name of these falls, but I made my husband turn around on a twisting mountain road so I could go back and take pictures for you.

Guard rails on Mt. Rainier

They didn't mess around

I think these last two pictures are of the Sidney Falls. They're actually, two falls, a top one then a bottom one. The falls were the first tourist site on the mountain and they designed the bridge to compliment the landscape.

So, we had a full weekend. We caught up with each other as equals rather than patient and caregiver. I checked in with my memories of my parents and we ate dinner at a restaurant where the server didn't know what "on tap" meant. Fun times.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Trying Not to Over Do

I have been suffering from almost daily migraines for almost exactly a year. Real, clinical migraines, with auras of flashing lights before my eyes and ringing in my ears that lasts for approximately 5-15 minutes, then the pain starts.The pain can be excruciating. It's not just a bad headache. I had them nearly every day for a year. I was just this side of bedrest. I'd get up, put on pajamas, go downstairs and sit in my easy chair all day. If the auras let me see, I would be on my computer. If I needed to go somewhere, almost always a doctor, my son or husband would drive me. I couldn't risk getting an aura while I was driving.

Two weeks ago, tomorrow, I had an ablation procedure in my neck which stopped my migraines cold. Went into the Operating Room with a migraine, came out without one. I haven't had one since. It's amazing. I had doctors telling me I might need to learn to live with the migraines. I spent days after that looking at my cooking knives and wondering if they were sharp enough to cut my wrists.

Now, I have a body that has had almost no exercise, and a home which has had nothing done but the things required to live, for the past year. I want to fix it all today. My son starts his new, and first, job on Saturday. This morning we ran errands to make sure he had what he needed to do his job. I have a lot of other things I want to do today, but at the moment, I'm exhausted from the running around.

I want to clean out all the piles of stuff that have accumulated over the last year. I want to dust everything. I want to get back to walking three miles a day, but I can barely make it to the corner with my dog.

I'm so frustrated, but I don't want to increase the time it takes my neck to heal by overdoing it. I just hope it doesn't take as long to recover as it did to get in this deep.

One day at a time,  right?

Monday, October 3, 2016

Dog walks, IKEA lamps and Thanksgiving

It's Monday, October 3, 2016.

I want to talk about my weekend.

On Friday, I went for a walk with my dog, Mickey. We didn't get very far because my neck is still sore and I get tired holding my head up. I think we made it four houses and an open space.

On Saturday, I didn't really accomplish much, Jim was out geocaching and I was here sitting in my easy chair and relaxing. I was mostly bored, but I did spend some time trying to figure out how to do this whole "recovery" thing. I downloaded some apps and went through some I had downloaded a few days before and tried to decide which was better for my plans.

On Sunday, we went to IKEA to buy some new lamps. We got a couple of other things, too. We went home and put the lamps together, then headed north to meet my husband's family. It was his brother's birthday. While we were waiting for our food I offered to cook Thanksgiving dinner. We had been going out to eat for Thanksgiving for the last several years. They immediately started a discussion about whether prime rib might be better than the traditional turkey. Personally, I'm just hoping I'm strong enough by then to follow through, whichever they decide.

Today, I went for another walk with Mickey and made it passed a couple more houses. I planned out what the menu would look like for either turkey or prime rib and sent emails to everyone who's supposed to be there to vote on. I also spent far too long on Facebook.

Oh, did I mention I started testing my blood sugars starting last Friday. I'm diabetic, but it's not too bad yet. I know I need to keep track of my sugars, but with the migraines, I just couldn't handle more than one thing at a time. Since I'm not having migraines, I thought it was time to start thinking about my blood sugar again.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Never going geocaching again?

Today is October 1, 2016. I am feeling pretty good today. I still have a sore, stiff neck, but I'm planning to take my dog for a walk as soon as I recover from showering and drying my hair.

I downloaded some apps to help me get back on my feet and get the house in order. I found a Spring Cleaning app. I'm pretty sure it will work in the falls too. I also downloaded an app that claims to get you from couch to running a 5K in about three months. I'm guessing that's aimed at couch potatoes and not someone who has been just this side of bed rest for a year. I'm going to give it a go though, even if my milestones will be further apart than the app expects.

Today is Saturday and my husband has gone off geocaching, leaving me home alone. I know he deserves time when he isn't either working or taking care of me, but sometimes I wonder if he'll want to go back to geocaching with me once I'm capable of going. The few times I went with him while I was having the migraines, he would be standing next to a stump with the cache in his hand before I, and my cane, made it around the car. After that happens six times in a row, it's just easier to stay in the car. He doesn't understand why I end up just sitting in the car and when I try to explain it, he gets defensive. He asks if he should just wait by it until I go there so I could be the one who "found" it.

The thing is, I don't blame him. It's not his fault that I move like a slug. It's just that geocaching isn't a spectator sport. If I can't get out there and, maybe, find the cache myself, it's just boring. So I ended up begging off and he's found another geocaching buddy whose wife isn't interested in geocaching and I'm not sure he'll be willing to change back.

It's going to be months of steady work to get strong enough to climb hills or walk down trails that are two miles each way. I can practice the walking part, but the only way I'm going to get strong enough to climb up hills covered with brush or rocky downslopes is to do it. My husband has a buddy who can do all those things without him having to wait patiently for me to manage things. If I can't have geocaching time to strengthen myself, his friend is always going to be more fun and capable.

I don't know if I'll ever really be able to go geocaching again. That saddens me. Especially since it's the only recreation we do.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

A warning about future political posts And Stiffness in my neck, but no migraines!

Deciding to write a new post is truly overwhelming. There is all that blank space to fill. Still, onwards!

Today is September 28, 2016. A lot is going on here in the States as we move toward the election, but, as arrogant as that sounds, I will leave that and talk about me. That is what the blog was intended for after all. I will warn you that I am very political and there will likely be a political post at least once a week, likely more often. I will put a warning at the top that the post will be political. (note to self: go back and put a warning on the first one.)

I will discuss politics on here because I believe the future of the country as well as our allies is worth discussing. However, other than this one, I will keep the two completely separate. If you decide to follow along on my journey back to health, you won't miss any of that journey by skipping the political posts. You will, however, lose the chance to know me better since politics is very much a part of who I am.

Now back to my health. First the goodness and it is very good news. I have not had a migraine since the ablation on Friday morning. I went into the ablation with a migraine, a 7+ on the pain scale and my vision was badly impaired. When I came out, the migraine  pain was gone and the only vision problem I had was a bit of blurriness from the anesthetic. None of the migraine symptoms have returned.

The less thrilling news is that my neck is still extremely painful. I have to consciously hold it it up and it hurts a great deal when I do that. Last night, I found I couldn't raise my head off of my chest at all. I called the doctor's answering service and he called me back. He had me relax all my muscles and raise my head with my hand. I was able to do that, so he said it was most likely muscle spasm, he called in a muscle relaxant. I took that and went to bed.

The doctor was in the car when he called me back. As we were talking I heard this little voice, "I thought we were going to the park, Daddy!" I hope I was the only interruption to the little guy's play date with Daddy.

I admit, I was hoping to be farther along by now and not in so much pain. Still, I'll trade neck pain and stiffness for constant migraines in a minute.

Toby Helping Me Blog

Monday, September 26, 2016

**Political** Looking forward to the holidays, but dreading the annual fake "War on Christmas"

Today is Monday, September 26, 2016. For those that celebrate, that's three months until Christmas, for those that don't celebrate that's three months until everything in the U.S.A., except Asian restaurants and casinos, close down for no apparent reason.

What I'm dreading is the whole "War on Christmas" Insanity. Stores are already starting to decorate for christmas. I don't know who they think is conducting this war on christmas. The Easter Bunny? I mean you've got to admit he doesn't get nearly the play time that the fat guy does.

"The average American will spend $700 on holiday gifts and goodies this year, totaling more than $465 billion." Diane Sawyer, ABC

Unless those billions are being spent on surface-to-air missiles to shoot Santa out of the sky, I'm pretty sure Christmas is safe.

That is coming from an atheist who *loves* Christmas, both Santa and Baby Jesus. I own a Christmas tree, more decorations than will fit on it, more lights than I can fit outside and a couple of creches. One was my mother's it is plastic and bought at a "5 and dime" their first Christmas together. Last I remember, there was one sheep left in it and nothing else.

Asking people not to put up religious displays on public property is not an attack on Christmas or Christianity. Allowing them to be there while other religions are denied the same right is an attack on our Constitution. if you want to live somewhere where one religion rules the entire nation, try Iran or Saudi Arabia.  

I saw the oddest thing a few years ago. I was waiting in line at J.C.Penneys a couple of days before Thanksgiving. The fact that our cashier is working in sales during the holiday season is, I'm pretty sure, a violation of the Geneva Conventions in and of itself. Still, she's doing fine and the line is moving quickly. Then she hands an older woman her package and says with the required smile which is probably another Geneva violation, "Happy Holidays!" The customer/hellspawn snatches the bag and says in very deliberate syllables,  "Mer. Ry. Christ. Mas."  Then stormed off. The cashier just stood there in shock until the guy in front of me, who was next in line said, "Odd, she's not celebrating Thanksgiving or New Years." The cashier started giggling.

I just don't get it. This idea that your opinion of yourself and your beliefs can be validated or in this case invalidated by a total stranger just doing her job. It's not the cashier's job to pat you on the head and confirm you're a good Christian and Christmas is the only true holiday.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Day after Ablation, Pain med babbling

Today is Saturday, September 24, 2016. I didn't post yesterday because I was pretty loopy after my the stuff they gave me during the procedure.

I had my ablation yesterday. I went into the procedure with a migraine, came out without one. Haven't had one since. I have gone several days without a migraine on occasion, so it's not time to pop the bubbly, but I'm hopeful.

My neck is really sore and stiff, but I was warned about that, it's not that bad and much better than a migraine!

My husband is across the state, doing a cache machine in Yakima. My son got "keep an eye on mom" duties. So far, that hasn't really entailed much.

My mini black panther has taken it upon himself to check on me every few minutes. In his little cat brain, "checking on mom" means tromping across my laptop while I'm trying to type.

I would love to get another baby mini black panther, but I'm guessing I've used up all my pity points over the last year. I have two other kitties, a long-haired elderly lady who is part Main Coon Cat and a gray long haired cat that I have no idea what she is other than spoiled rotten.

Yes, I know I'm babbling. It's the pain meds. Also, the fact that I don't have a migraine.

I've already downloaded apps to help me get my strength back and I'm going through different apps to decide which app is most appropriate for cleaning a house that hasn't had much done to it other than dishes and laundry since I got sick. So far they're all, here's how to clean more efficiently so you have more time for you. I can't find one that says, "Oh, you can stand up for more than five minutes, and lean over and now you need help figuring out how to catch up with everything without wearing out given you haven't the strength to do anything until now." Do they have an app for that?

Friday, September 23, 2016

Day Before Ablation, Worrying About Everything I Need To Do to catch up.

Today is September 22, 2016. By this time tomorrow, the ablation should be over. I'm supposed to take the weekend off, but I think I'll spend it plotting. If the ablation works, I have so much to do.

I have let the house go. I will need to fix that. I'm thinking of finding some kind of "Spring Cleaning" app to work off.

I have let myself go. I need to work on my eating. Frozen waffles with syrup every morning isn't the best way to start a diabetic's morning. I need to start testing my blood every morning and keeping track of my numbers. Another app, I'm guessing.

I need to start exercising. I was up to three miles walking per day before I got sick. i want to work up to five. I have a fitness band to keep track. I have  membership in a gym. Hopefully, once I can walk five miles I'll reactivate the membership and start working on my upper body strength.

I need to plan for the holidays. I'd like to cook Thanksgiving at Dad's. I can't wait for Halloween and I need to start planning for Christmas.

I can't believe how much I've let go. Between the migraines and the depression, it was all I could do to survive from day to day.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Last Day of Summer, Two Days Until Ablation

It's September 21, 2016. It's the last day of  a summer that I missed almost completely. I went geocaching a couple of times. Maybe next week when I'm recovering from the ablation and, hopefully, not having any migraines, I will explain more about our geocaching obsession. I went to a picnic. I took a day and went out to Port Angeles for a two hour ride on the Lady Washington. A tall ship used in the making of Pirates of the Caribbean. That was pretty much it for the summer.

It's fitting that tomorrow is the first day of autumn. The day before I get the ablation which will, hopefully, end my migraines. As the earth begins to settle in to sleep for the winter, I will begin to wake up.The chill is already beginning to show in the air. Here in the Pacific Northwest, on the west side of the Cascades, it rarely gets truly cold. Still, I think about hats and gloves as I will brave the weather to work my way back up to walking three miles a day.

Two more days of brutal migraines. two more days of not being able to drive myself, two more days of waking up in the middle of the night in terror because that's when the migraine happened to start and it takes a few moments to calm the fight or flight instinct.

I am preparing, first I got my nails done:

I will wait until after the procedure to schedule my hair cut. I have slowly been collecting blouses that aren't t-shirts with sayings on them. I have jewelry, maybe when my hands don't shake, I can put it on.

9/23/2016  7:30 am PDT - Overlake Hospital, Bellevue, WA
then maybe I can breathe again.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Introduction and Explanation

It's Tuesday September 20, 2016. September, 2015, I fell down the stairs in my house and I have had migraines nearly everyday since then. I have had all sorts of treatments. Muscle relaxants, medicines that are supposed to stop migraines before they start, antidepressants and, of course, narcotics.

Some of these have little effect, some take the edge off for a while, most do nothing at all. Some are addicting and my husband puts them away and only gives them when I ask.

Before I got sick, I was walking my dog three miles a day. Now I can't lean over to mop the kitchen floor because I will trigger another migraine.

Migraines are not bad headaches. They can rarely be treated with over the counter medication. I hear someone say that they woke up with a migraine, but they had to get something done at work, so they went anyway. I comment on this to my therapist and she says, "They don't have a true migraine.  Migraines are debilitating." I'm not suggesting people in that situation don't have very painful headaches.

I have tried chiropractic, physical therapy and Botox.

I went to a doctor who injected numbing agent into my neck and the pain in my neck as well as the migraines temporarily stopped. He did this twice to confirm he was in the correct space.

This Friday, he will go in with a needle which he will heat up until he puts the nerves out of order. If all goes well, the year of debilitating migraines will be a thing of the past. Now I just have to get my strength back. That's what this blog is about. getting my life back.